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                                            function getUserString(){
                                                // Get the user's input
                                                let userString = document.getElementById("userInput").value;
                                                // Reverse the user's input 
                                                // => go into seperate function
                                                let revString = reverseString(userString);
                                                // Compare original input and reversed input
                                                // => go into seperate function
                                                let compareResult = compareString(userString, revString);
                                                // Output result
                                                // => go into seperate function
                                                displayString(userString, revString, compareResult);

                                            function reverseString(userString){

                                                // Start at the last index of string array
                                                let startValue = userString.length - 1;
                                                let endValue = 0;
                                                let revString = "";
                                                // Decremented for loop
                                                // Start value must be higher than the end value
                                                for(let i = startValue; i >= endValue; i--){
                                                    revString += userString[i];
                                                return revString;

                                            function compareString(userString, revString){

                                                // Set RegEx variable
                                                let regEx = /[\W_]/g;
                                                // Use array function to normalizing casing
                                                // Use RegEx to remove spaces and special characters
                                                let modifiedUserString = 
                                                userString.toLowerCase().replace(regEx, "");
                                                let modifiedRevString = 
                                                revString.toLowerCase().replace(regEx, "");
                                                // Set result variables
                                                let emptyResult = 
                                                'You must input a word to determine if it is a palindrome.';
                                                let palindromeResult = 'YES! This is a palindrome!';
                                                let notPalindromResult = 'Sorry, this is not a palindrome.';
                                                if (modifiedUserString == ""){
                                                    return emptyResult;
                                                else if (modifiedUserString == modifiedRevString){
                                                    return palindromeResult;
                                                else {
                                                    return notPalindromResult;

                                            function displayString(userString, revString, compareResult){

                                                // Locate the IDs in the DOM to display outputs    
                                                let output1 = document.getElementById("results1");
                                                let output2 = document.getElementById("results2");
                                                let output3 = document.getElementById("results3");
                                                // Results of original input, the reversed string,
                                                // and whether or not input was a palindrome
                                                output1.innerHTML = userString;
                                                output2.innerHTML = revString;
                                                output3.innerHTML = compareResult;
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